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Who am I?

I was born in Iran-Tehran in 1986 march. Since my mother and my father are both medical doctors also, I can simply say that my destiny is triggered somehow to be a physician. After graduation from medicine and getting the medical diploma, I moved to turkey to create the new steps of my destiny in turkey. I started the Ph.D. program in Musculoskeletal Regenerative medicine at Yildirim Beyazit Universıty of Ankara in turkey which I finished it recently.

All years while I was studying either medicine or my Ph.D. program, I have been looking to be innovative in 'Regenerative Medicine' which is also my main point of interest in researches and studies.

Points Of interest in Studies

Works and concentrations are mainly focused on Stem Cells science and related technologies.

But since I studied regenerative medicine I am also taking care of  Genetics, Biology, Biochemistry as far as its related to regeneration of tissues and cells.



Application of Regenarative medicine 

in degenerative Joint disease

Finding a new source for getting stem cells

with good quality



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